Brief: Create a light meant for a specific room. (Prof. Hazal Gumus Ciftci)
Location: The Ohio State University, Hayes Hall Lobby
Constraints: Use only corrugated cardboard.
Collaboration: Individual

My cardboard prototype light sitting in the lobby of Hayes Hall.
Research mapping indicated most people spent their time walking through the lobby, not sitting in it. Thus, I decided to make a light that was fun to look at in passing.

Form Iteration:
I pursued a slot-based structure, hoping to create a design that can be flat-packed. Much inspiration came from architectural structures.

Paper Prototypes:
Bristol prototypes for potential light structures, scaled down.

Cardboard Prototypes:
To-scale cardboard prototypes iterating on fan shape.

Final Prototype:
Hexagonal base with a moveable starburst-like shade. Spinning the shade allows light rays to bounce around the room, speed at user discretion.

User Testing:
Final prototype in the lobby setting, with light bouncing around the room.

Final Deliverables:

Reimagined with different materials:

Artistically Rendered:

This project taught me the importance of prototyping, especially how cardboard is my friend. I learned the basics of laser-cutting, as well as how to design flat shapes in 2D with the intention to assemble them in 3D.
This was my first project in my first industrial design studio ever. I really did enjoy myself!
"Light. Darkness. A Balance."
- Rey, The Last Jedi