Case Study: Lighting and Color Temperature
Shot using a FujiFilm X-T4 and edited in Photoshop.

Case Study: Portraiture
These photos mimic the style of Adrienne Salinger's Teenagers in Their Bedrooms series (long exposure, harsh lighting, slight blur). Shot with a FujiFilm X-T4, edited in Photoshop.

Case Study: Reflection
Representing myself through different means of observation. Shot using a FujiFilm X-T4 and edited in Photoshop. Written reflection included.

Photo Journal: Outer Banks
I love to capture my adventures. Featured below are a couple of my favorite shots from a trip to North Carolina's Outer Banks in 2022. Shot using an iPhone 13, edited in Photoshop.

Photo Journal: Walt Disney World
As busy as Disney World can get, I love finding ways to zoom in on the details of the park. Featured below are a couple of my favorite shots from trips over the past several years. Shot using an iPhone 13, edited in Photoshop.

Photo Journal: Whistler
Trying to take photos during this 2023 ski trip was a challenge I happily accepted. With temperatures below freezing, intense winds, and complete white-outs, the camera only made it out of my pocket a few times. Shot using an iPhone 13, edited in Photoshop.

Photo Journal: Greece
I had the opportunity to study abroad in Greece before my senior year, and made sure to capture as many moments as possible while I was traveling. I took too many to show them all, so I've chosen a few favorites to display. All photos shot by me on an iPhone 13.

Photo Journal: Otherworld
One October afternoon my younger sister and I traveled to Otherworld, an immersive artistic experience inside a former Walmart, for a day of photography and portraiture. Here are some of my favorites I took of her! Shot using a Fujifilm X-T4.
Photo Journal: Kauai
I was fortunate enough to visit the island of Kauai in May 2024 with my family, a trip full of adventures and memories. Here are some of my favorite photos, all shot on an iPhone 13:

Photo Journal: Costa Rica
My love for photo journaling began on a 2018 high school trip to Costa Rica. Featured below are a couple of my favorite shots. Shot on an iPhone 8, adjusted in Photoshop.