All videos have been edited on Adobe Premiere Pro.
How To Trim Your Cat's Nails
Learning to animate using keyframes, this video gives instructions on how to trim your cat's nails. I created my assets in Adobe Illustrator and brought them to life in Premiere.
Winter Market Promo - Lollihops
A quick promo introducing our Winter Market studio project. Lollihops are your tea, coffee, and hot chocolate drinking companions. My partner Jason and I aimed to create a video that both explained and marketed our product to potential customers. Edited by me.
Dr. Mayo Peer Mentoring Program - Interview
A short package detailing the OSU Department of Design's Dr. Mayo Peer Mentoring Program, featuring interviews filmed by myself and fellow 3rd years Zoe Shay-Tannas, Easton Nguyen, and Danny Kraft. Edited by me.
Buccaneer Bay Promo - Video Concept
A short video introducing the narrative of a concept board game my group (myself, McKenzy Connelly, Christi Nguyen) had developed. I learned the basics of Unreal Engine to create the 3D environments, and the images were generated using Bing Image Creator. I had a lot of fun experimenting in Premiere Pro as well as working with timing and sound to create an entertaining experience.